Tous Los Trois

“Sense is a value we all need today.”

For us, an objet is just like a sculpture that has sense, that’s where its esthaetics come from. Sense is a value we all need today. To give sense to an object, we look at the world around us, and try to answer to its questioning, to its desires; that’s our passion. More beauty, more lightness, more confidence in future.
Of course, an object is also a product, it corresponds to a need, to a market. But it’s in the way it expresses its “reason to be”, by its form, by its aspect, by the ideas it contains, that we will apreciate it; this time it’s a matter of personal taste and therefore culture.
These two last years we also developped a new activity : animation movies. At this time, we produced about 15 short films of which one is an advertisement film.