Emiliana Martinelli

Emiliana Martinelli was born in Lucca, she obtains a diploma at the School of Art of Lucca – Ceramics Division and afterwards a diploma of Industrial Design at ISIA of Florence, a city where she then obtains a degree in Architecture. Immediately after having obtained the degree, she starts working for the family company, established in the 30s by her grandfather Plinio and afterwards enlarged by her father Emilio and steered in the 50s towards the design and the production of lamps. Together with him, her main teacher, she starts a long collaboration developing together the techniques and the products which characterized the production by Martinelli Luce over the years.

  • 2011: IF Design Award
  • 2012: Good Design Award
  • 2014: IF Design Award
  • 2013: IF Design Award
  • 2014: Good Design Award
  • 2015: IF Design Award
  • 2016: IF Design Award
  • 2019: IF Design Award